The Right Place to Write PhraseInnovating the way news written. We provide an interface to give people a snapshot of the topic after describing their ideas by listing the news that have been written on the topic.

The problem
Journalists spend a lot of time looking for true citations and sources of information.

The idea
Enable people to write text much faster through automating citations and filling common facts .
You have read a topic and you are starting to get around to what you want to say, or you just need to do some homework on the given topic. Write down a few sentences on the topic and we’ll find you the closest writings on the field.
Citation tools are widely used. But all citation tools follow the same base principle. They manage citations from a given resource (article, website, etc.). We want to reverse this process.

In most fields of research, researchers benchmark their results against the baseline. These ground truths and their supporting evidence trigger a process of searching. Our service helps you to insert, while writing, the results of studies that can be found on the Internet and automatically referenced.
Fact-checker’s tools intend to testify fake news. There are tools to check if an image or video is real and if a new is a hoax. Our goal is not to tell if a fact is true or not but to let know the user if the source is reliable or not

Why is it good for you?
Save precious time for our customers while enhancing their performance in news. Our aim is to allow people to spend more of their time on the results of their written news.
Enable fast and trustworthy writing in different languages
In the future, people will spend more and more time doing research, so it’s important to have a toolkit that helps us to make progress by aggregating our ideas and getting back a picture of our hypothesis.
Search engines are a general approach to finding reliable resources. They are separated and not included in regular text editing tools such as Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Our goal is to build an intelligent search software that returns the most accurate results from the context in one place by typing.

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